So So Sorry the picture below is sideways I am not computer savy so it's gonna stay that way too. Justin let dallin help him out in the back yard doing some clean up. and he loved the brrm brrm and smiled the whole time and didn't want to get off. the next morning he looked out the window and wanted back on.
Dallin was so sick for about ten days it was no fun he wouldn't eat or sleep very well unless he just got so exhausted and passed out. picture below. He had the horrible flu and fever-n was not fun at all. He is all better now though and playing and eating like crazy he is trying so hard to put words together to make sentences he definitly knows Haa really loud and quick it (HOT).

So i kinda been slacking on the blog stuff. It seems like I just don't have any time lately to do it. Lots of little stuff going on keeping me going a million miles an hour. Main reason DALLIN he keeps me going and going he loves to play hide and seek, peek -a-boo, reading books, pushing his brrm brrm trucks all around the house on hands and knees, dancing and running crazy in the dance room, and the new one is spinning on the floor in my lap in circles on the kitchen floor. I love doing all of this with him I am totally a kid all over again. And of course he got the darn flu for about a week and half. So when he got better we had to play catch up on the playing we missed out on.

Dance has also kept me going in every direction from performing at basketball games, to uniforms not fitting the girls and needing a seamstress, to hiring a new dance teacher who is gonna save my life haha. mainly my sanity. She is so awsome and I am so excited to have her teaching now. I am still getting calls everyweek for a new girl to sign up and I am turning them away until next year. so hopefully this is a good thing.
Work at work has been fun too. We went through some changes and at first it was crazy with just new stuff but I think it is all good now. I am so excited for a vacation with the whole family in a couple weeks my whole family and justins too. Anywho hopefully I will stay updated and get some new pictures us up soon. happy pictures not dallin being sick. hehe.
Love ya later.