Dallin is going to be Thomas the Train for halloween he picked out the costume all by himself and he loves it.

Haven't been keeping up on my blogging like I should. We have just been really busy lately and I haven't had a chance to update. Everything is going good at this house hold. I am back to teaching dance and we put down a floor and some ballet barres on the other side of the basement for this year. and dallin is getting way to big. He is inlove with thomas the train he picked out a thomas outfit for halloween, and that is what we watch at our house every morning, noon, inbetween and night. He also loves to watch TVG the horseracing station he will cheer for number five GO GREEN GO GREEN. His linkbelt trackhoe still goes with him everywhere such as outside to the sand pile, in to the tub, to the dinner table to the truck to bed. He is such a boy!!
Some of my favorite things he is doing now is
counting to three and then back to two eveything is two.
saying bless you mommy when I sneeze, or bless you daddy when justin sneezes it is so cute.
walking around saying "where are you daddy" and sign language work.
he has to wear his bumble bee rain boots everywhere we go even around the house he can put them on all by himself.
we play hide and seek almost everynight for about half an hour and he loves to hide wherever i hide.
he has to help do everything we are doing getting to be so big and independent. aaahhh so scary
hopefully i will get some pictures up soon