It has been so much fun putting together a room for the baby. When we tell everyone we are doing it in black and white we get some strange reactions for the black part but I must Say I am loving it. Justin did almost all of the work I tried to help but I really wasn't much help at all. I was to short to tape the ceiling and the bead board well it was just a mans job. I helped paint the bottom. But a big thanks to my babe for doing most of it.

Janice brought her cricket with her when they came up from Arizona for my grandma's wedding so we made some stickers for the walls.

overall we are just a little bit excited to have it all together. The crib is coming next week. whahoo!!!!
We are going to use Grandpa Wakefields Baby Buggy that his mother used when he was a kid for our bassinet I couldn't resist when I seen it.

I can't wait to come see it!!! Where did you get the crib from and what color is it??? Looks cute though!
that's cool you got Grandpa's Wakefields buggy! We'll have to come see it.
I love the vintage buggy- that's awesome! It's so much fun decorating a nursery, isn't it? I'm sure it will look fabulous like the rest of your house!
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