Oct 15, 2008

a little get to know

Hey there welcome to my blogg. I hope you enjoy it Just a little info to get to know me. My name is Shantel and my hubbies name is justin. I have known justin for ten years kinda crazy how fast time goes we have been married for seven years. We still laugh and have fun just like when we was teens I love it! We have two Really cute dogs that we got when we moved into the house I love to run and play with in the yard. We have three really cute nephews and an adorable niece.

We love to snowmobile in the winter there is nothing like all that adrenalin going through your body when you come to a big hill that you think there is noway i can top that and you give it a try and you do. Justin got a new snowmoile last year and it is a blast I want one now. hehe

We love to watch nascar alot, we bolth have drivers that we follow so that we can have a fun conversation when one is ahead of the other He cheers for jimmie johnson and I cheer for Kasey kahne. I must admit his driver is always ahead of mine. Kasey likes to crash alot but that is okay. I did get his autograph last year when we went tot he race with our friends kip and jessica. I must say thanks to Jessica she got me the autograph. We like to watch football as well, usaully the tv is flipping back and forth between the race and football on sunday. Usually the friends and neighboors come over on sunday and monday night.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Way to go, girl! It will be a lot of fun reading about all of your adventures!