Dec 15, 2008

Christmas Cookies

So all day Sunday and Monday night Jess and I made christmas goodies. it was a blast. first off sugar cookies darn they didn't turn out to swell. then candy cane cookies darn they didn't turn out so swell either, then snickerdoodle's yummy they turned out good. Then enough of the cookies we moved onto fudge she made peanut butter fudge and I made some simple chocolate fudge bolth turned out yummy as ever. Next we made some caramel candies, peanut brittle, and we ended Sunday with Caramel and chocolate covered pretzels. mmmm mmmm mmmm.

So Since the first sugar cookies didn't work out we did some more on Monday night those Turned out good we have fun decorating and eating them. Kip and Justin helped at the end when the football game was over, Kip rolled out some and Justin made a big snowman out of the last of the dough. We are gonna make more when we get some better sprinkles and cookie cutters.

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